
Seven days, seven ways to love your spine.

If you woke up this morning with a spring in your step and remarkably good posture, it could be because it’s World Spine Day.

Every year, people and chiropractic practitioners around the world band together to raise awareness about spinal disorders and promote proactive spinal health.

It’s the pillar that supports us in all our endeavours, connects brain and body and makes reaching for the jam jar on the highest shelf of the pantry possible.

Yet, a compromised spine is one of the most debilitating modern afflictions. Lower back pain is a leading cause of disability and the #1 cause of missed work worldwide, with up to 80% of people suffering a back problem at some stage during their lifetime.

It pays to back your back, and World Spine Day is all about helping you do it.

This year, we weren’t content with one day of spinal celebrations – we wanted seven: one for each day of the week. Here’s what we came up with. Care to join in?

Seven days; seven ways to love your spine.

Monday – Get app happy

If you download one new app today, make it this one.

Straighten Up gives you chiropractic support on the go.

While your chiropractor can’t be there 24/7 correcting your posture, this app can. Designed to act as ‘Your Pocket Chiropractor’, it aims to address the growing posture issues and back pain problems faced by Australians.

We’re excited for the possibilities! Download a copy for yourself, here.

Tuesday – Reject tech neck

When was the last time you picked up a bowling ball?

It might be more recently than you think – and not with your hands.

Every time you look down at your phone, the weight of your head, which is similar to that of a bowling ball, puts strain on your neck. ‘Tech neck’ – a uniquely modern affliction – can result in nerve impingement, disc damage, muscle strain, pain, headaches and changes to the spine.

Spend today reminding yourself to hold your mobile device at eye level, keep your chin slightly tucked, neck straight and eyes up and avoid the dreaded tech neck.

Wednesday – Hump day hydration

Water is imperative for healthy spinal function.


Between each vertebrae is a disc, like a squishy shock-absorber – the center of which (the nucleus pulposis) is made mostly of water. This needs to be replenished frequently as it’s effectively ‘squeezed’ each time you move and flex the spine.

Dehydrated discs are dry, flat and can’t do their job properly, this lack of cushioning between vertebrae potentially leading to pain and damage over time.

Today, make an extra effort to stay topped up on water, herbal teas, or healthful drinks like kombucha and kefir.

It’s a simple trick for better health all round.

Thursday – Optimize your workstation

If you sit at a desk all day, ensuring that it’s ergonomic will spare your spine the slow, subtle – but no less serious – changes that come from maintaining a static posture.

Working out your ideal working position is quite involved, and is good to find out with the help of a professional (or ask us next time you’re in clinic). Interestingly, it all comes back to your natural posture which should be supported as closely as possible. Everyone will therefore have a unique desk setup.

General advice includes:

  • Keeping the back of your head in contact with your chair’s headrest while you work.
  • Sitting so that your elbows are tucked and forearms are at 90 degree angles (or less) to your legs.
  • Checking your screen is in a position that doesn’t make you crane your neck or look down.
  • Placing feet should flat on the floor with thighs slightly sloping down from your hips.

Want more? We’ve written a whole post about posture and sitting here. Check it out!

Friday – Prepare your (posture-friendly) party shoes

Today, take a moment to consider the impact footwear has on the health of your spine.

Your feet are the only things connecting you to the ground; two points bearing the entire weight of your body and propelling it through space. Needless to say, the body has a finely-tuned alignment that makes smooth motion possible – without wear and tear.

It gets hairy when you wear shoes that change the S curve of your spine and the mechanics of how you walk.

For instance, high heels alter the position of your ankles, knees, hips, and spine by placing the heels above the toes. Over time, this can actually change your muscles, tendons and lead to slipped discs and problems in the lumbar spine.

Better choices? We shared two in the bottom of this article. See what you think – and plan a shopping trip!

Saturday – Go mattress shopping

Nothing planned this Saturday? Hit the shops!

A mattress is a big investment… but when you’re spending 229,961 hours on top of it over the course a lifetime, it’s worth it!

If you live in Adelaide, these are the people we recommend. They’re the only chiro-approved mattress retailer in the city, and conduct a thorough assessment to find the right fit for you.

Sunday – Non-sedentary Sunday

And, in keeping with this year’s World Spine Day theme – spend Sunday moving!

How you do it is up to you; but here are a few suggestions:

  • Enjoy a hike on one of Adelaide’s incredible local trails.
  • Plan a family beach picnic (cricket and saltwater aerobics included).
  • Try a new activity like Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Yoga – often local community groups can point you in the right direction.
  • Ride your bike to brunch.
  • Wherever you need to go, aim to walk – at least some of the way.

Thanks for joining in the World Spine Day celebrations!