
35 ways to meaningfully reflect on 2015

Reflect on 2015

December’s like standing at the end of a long, crescent beach and looking back. There go your footprints, receding along the shoreline. There are the tiny human ants between the flags, 2kms in the distance. Your calves are sore, your hair is salty, but you’ve covered a helluva distance. And it feels good to acknowledge the trek.

Pausing at the end of the year (or the beach) to reflect is important. As is setting a new intention for the journey ahead.

But how often do you let this opportunity simply lap at your toes… without taking action?

Do you find yourself saying each December ‘Yes, yes, it’s been a good year. I think? I feel functional. My health is OK. Um, what did I achieve again? Can’t remember. Who’s in charge of champagne? My flute is empty!’

Unfortunately, this approach leaves you vague. And can directly inhibit progress.

Not allocating time to reflect robs you of the opportunity to grow.

Where are you at with your health? What’s working (and what’s not)? Where are you going next?

Today, we’re encouraging you to take a moment to write it all down.

(And hey, you might have more to celebrate than you realised. In which case, give yourself an extra rum ball.)

These questions aren’t your average New Years whimsy. They aim to get you clear.

For this article + activity you’ll need:

  • 1 notebook or large sheet of colourful paper
  • your lucky pen
  • a warm beverage to set your brain alight
  • time-travel goggles (don’t own them? Any old hot pink pair you do laps in at the local pool will do.)

Who doesn’t love a good Q & A? Here are 35 ways to reflect on 2015.

Warm up question

Looking back on 2015, do you feel glum – or a sense of gratitude? Why?

Fun, friends & relationships

How much time did you spend playing, laughing, and smiling this year?

How many old friends did you reconnect with?

How many new friendships did you forge?

How would you rate your parenting, partnerships, marriage or family connections this year?

How could they improve?

Art, creativity & culture

How many books did you read (and LOVE) this year?

Did you include music in your life – playing or listening to?

Did you dance like a wild thing at least once?

Did you include creative activities? Art class, sculpture, dance, woodwork, sketching, photography, craft? How can you schedule them in next year?

Health & wellbeing

Have you built in the habit of exercising?

What nutritional approach worked best for you this year and why?

How can you improve your eating to feel more energized and well?

Compare and contrast: how did your body feel at the start of 2015 compared to the end?

What bad habits did you break?

Did you prioritise sleep in 2015? How can you improve?

Did you get enough nature time throughout the year? How can you plan to get more?

If you could score yourself out of 10 in 2015 what would you give yourself for the following:

health, wealth, energy and lifestyle?

Rate your stress levels out of 10 for 2015. How can you lower them?

What’s the #1 thing you liked about your chiropractic care this year?

What’s one way we could serve you better?

How committed are you to your health in 2016?

Wealth & career

Are you on top of your finances?

Are you saving towards a goal or a holiday?


What aspects of personal growth are you proud of this year? Did you embody any new, positive qualities?

Did you surround yourself with uplifting people this year?

Did you wake up in the morning peppy & ready to take on the day?

What’s one thing you could change in your morning routine to help make everyday better?

The fireworks finale! Getting deep & meaningful

If you could change anything from 2015 what would it be?

What was your most challenging experience this year?

What was the biggest hurdle you overcame?

Did you use your time wisely in 2015?

What stopped you living life to the full?

What advice would you give yourself for 2015, if you had the chance to do it again?

What advice will you give yourself for 2016?


There you have it.

A comprehensive questionnaire to inspire meaningful reflection.

How did you go? What did you learn?

We’d love to hear your goals – for health, wealth and everything in-between – so make sure to tell us next time you’re in clinic.

Congratulations on a fabulous year and here’s to an even better 2016!