
The real guide to winning, for Adelaide athletes and sportspeople.

If you’re an athlete or sportsperson, chances are you want to win.

That’s what it’s all about, right? The podium, the yellow jersey, the trophy?

While victory certainly tastes sweet (and a little bit sweaty), we think there’s more to winning than just being the best on the day.

Winning is a lifelong state of being. 

It’s the ability to keep physically fit and injury free, throughout your entire life. 

It’s the preservation of joints, ligaments and tissues with intelligent care, nutrition and natural movement. 

It’s being able to play your favourite sport when you’re 70, and climb the stairs when you’re 90. 

It’s staying as pain-free and energized as possible, avoiding unnecessary drugs, surgeries or expensive treatments.

Because it’s the month of sport and athletics at Spinecare Chiropractic, we want to make sure that the message isn’t “Go harder!” but – “Go better”. 

Stay active, the smart way.

Play the long game – using exercise as a tool for health and wellbeing, rather than short-term wins and possible injury.

For the young, loss of mobility can seem a world away – a distant problem to be dealt with in years or decades. 

But continuing to push through pain, training with misalignments or not having your body assessed and cared for can creep up on you. It’s a no-win situation if injury prevents you from moving in ways that you love. 

The first rule of sport should always be – put your body first. 

Prevent injuries by getting to know your imbalances, misalignments and weaknesses. 

Address these and move into balance.

Work up gradually and build a solid foundation of fitness.

At Spinecare Chiropractic, we assess you individually, uncovering your individual needs and making a plan for lifelong injury prevention. 

The best part? The more time, effort and care you put into your body, the more it will reward you. 

And you never know, you might end up winning that gleaming gold trophy after all!